7 Tips to Thrive in Motherhood with Little Kids

"Today, I'll share a mixture of parenting tips and true mom anecdotes with you. They're meant to be both practical and encouraging. "Please hold on to what helps you, and by all means, let the rest go!"

Believe: A Young Widow’s Journey Through Brokenness and Back [BOOK REVIEW]

I identify with Jennifer’s loss of vision for her future – a future that, although God is able to create beauty out of it, will never be what she initially dreamed. This book is for anyone who feels misunderstood, is suffering grief, is watching a loved one suffer grief, is raising young children, is writing for God's glory, or is experiencing a difficult life season.

Confronting the Tension Between Housework and Self-Care

The following is an honest glimpse into my life by way of a short story, which testifies to the truth that Jesus continues to help me find balance, day by day. I hope it will encourage you to trust the Holy Spirit’s gentle guidance in your own life.

Navigating Stressful Seasons: When Moms Need Comfort, Too

You do it all. #Mom life is wearing you down. Life never stops throwing punches, and you're left wondering: "Am I the only mom who's struggling to bear all of this? I'm so stressed. Who's going to comfort Me?"

Don’t Miss Out on the Biggest Blessing of Being a Mom

Before I had kids, I thought the adage "children are a blessing" referred to all the joys I would experience as a mother. I didn't understand that the proverb held a double meaning, a double blessing...

A Mother’s Challenge: Thanking God Amidst #Momlife Struggles

This true story is for all the pregnant moms struggling with morning sickness, all the tired moms who just want a break, all the stressed-out moms who are stuck in negativity. I understand. I've been there, too...

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